
It houses the administrative, information and citizen assistance services of the Department of Culture, Education and Youth. Culture: libraries, Manacor History Museum, Manacor Municipal Theatre, festivals, cultural promotions, Manacor Municipal Music and Dance School, municipal band, exhibition halls, tower of Ses Puntes, tower of els Enagistes, Plastic Arts Department, language services, head of the Mallorcan municipal school, toponimy, maintenance of the archaeological sites, etc. Education: maintenance of the school infrastructures, links with the school councils, nursery schools, university centre, intercultural mediation programme in schools, coordination of the didactics activity programme for students, link with the Nins i Nines municipal children’s school, outdoor educational activities, etc. Youth: promotion of youth activities, rural school maintenance, coordination of the use of Cases de Son Talent and Molí d’en Polit. Youth Information Centre. It houses the administrative, information and citizen assistance services of the Department of Culture, Education and Youth. Culture: libraries, Manacor History Museum, Manacor Municipal Theatre, festivals, cultural promotions, Manacor Municipal Music and Dance School, municipal band, exhibition halls, tower of Ses Puntes, tower of els Enagistes, Plastic Arts Department, language services, head of the Mallorcan municipal school, toponimy, maintenance of the archaeological sites, etc. Education: maintenance of the school infrastructures, links with the school councils, nursery schools, university centre, intercultural mediation programme in schools, coordination of the didactics activity programme for students, link with the Nins i Nines municipal children’s school, outdoor educational activities, etc. Youth: promotion of youth activities, rural school maintenance, coordination of the use of Cases de Son Talent and Molí d’en Polit. Youth Information Centre.

Can Socorrat
Pare Andreu Fernandez, 12
07500 - Manacor

: De 9 a 14 h
: 662 350 633


El V festival de narració oral de Manacor ‘emParaular’ torna enguany centrant-se en el mite
Cinc actes repartits entre el 16 i el 19 de setembre conformen la proposta
Manacor commemora el centenari del tren d'Artà reclamant que es recuperi la infraestructura
L'exposició sobre els 100 anys del tren de Llevant es pot visitar durant tot el mes de setembre al Claustre de Sant Vicenç Ferrer de Manacor
Manacor acollirà els IV Encontres Orquestrals de les Illes Balears
Seixanta-vuit joves músics d'arreu de les Illes, de l'Estat, d'Itàlia i Portugal rebran formació amb professors especialistes i faran quatre concerts
Sembrant Veus guanya el Premi Ciutat de Manacor de Música d'autor 'Guilem d'Efak'
El premi està dotat amb 3.000 euros i 1.000 euros per als dos finalistes, Mopi i Jantià